Animal breeding has been slightly changed compared to the first part of the game.
The full list of domestic animals at the moment is as follows:
- Cow
- Sheep
- Goose
- Chicken

It was decided to completely remove the pig from the game. The purpose of a pig for a farmer is obvious - they are bred for meat. But I didn't want the game to encourage players to be cruel to peaceful and harmless animals. Want some meat? Eat the boar. He is not peaceful at all and generally he is the first who gets into a fight. And I don't want to use a pig for such far-fetched purposes as finding worms.
In order to tame an animal, you will still need to make a trap and throw it on the animal several times. But now you will not be able to tame it until you provide it with a place to live. There are two types of animal houses:
- a universal barn, in which you can settle just one animal, but of any kind
- special sheds for certain animals, in which you can put more than one pet, but only of a specific kind.
Universal barn will need to be built first, because you don't know which animal you will meet first. Then it will be more profitable to build specific sheds for certain animals.
Feeders appeared in the game. They can be put on the ground and filled with food. Animals themselves will eat if the feeder is close enough to reach it. After installing such a feeder, you will only need to collect resources from the animals and replenish food supplies in feeder from time to time. Resources collection has also been simplified compared to the first part. Now you don't need to open the GUI window and click the button to collect resources. When the animal has finished creating the product, a special icon appears above it. You can click on it and the hero will run up to the animal and take the product.

Unlike the first part, now animals will not accumulate produced products and will not be able to continue working until you take finished resources from them. But don't be afraid. Like many other buildings, animal houses can be upgraded. At higher levels, these houses will be able to accept food from the animals that live in them. You will only need to add food in the feeders from time to time and take finished products from houses at once.
I hope you'll like these changes!
Write a comment
Bread (Saturday, 04 April 2020 17:50)
I would like to find some way to feed automatically to the animals
severato (Monday, 06 April 2020 11:13)
Lyfea (Wednesday, 08 April 2020 13:37)
Merci, cool, j'ai adoré jouer à ce jeu. ;)
Overhall (Wednesday, 08 April 2020 16:30)
Awaiting release date.
Patrono (Thursday, 09 April 2020 17:21)
Será que vai ter Dungeons?
Artem (Thursday, 09 April 2020 18:23)
Patrono, yes
Kirmizioje (Sunday, 12 April 2020 01:48)
Im playing Force of Nature now.And i really like it.Im gonna write a big review about that game later.And Also excited about 2!Keep up to good work!Its looking very good.
isac oliveira silva (Wednesday, 15 April 2020 16:41)
Will this Force of Nature 2 be released separately from Force of Nature 1 or will it have an Update from the first game to the second for free for those who already have 1?
the coolest in crafting and building games is multiplayer, will you have multiplayer?
what will be the release date?
Seol (Thursday, 16 April 2020 05:47)
Currently playing Force of Nature (1)... I love the whole idea, genre, and generally build/craft/gather. Yea, there are a few options that could make the game much more friendly, but overall I'm really enjoying it :) I really look forward to FON 2!
Melanie (Friday, 17 April 2020 12:56)
Is the game almost ready to be released? � I WANT IT SOOO MUCH
Нина (Saturday, 18 April 2020 12:36)
Являюсь поклонницей вашей первой игры - графика, крафт, животные и растения, текстуры земли и воды, звуки, строительство, декор и т.д. - всё выше всяческих похвал! Считаю ее лучшей в своей нише, в моем личном рейтинге Force Of Nature стоит на одной планке с 7 Days To Die по интересу и играбельности. Меня пугает, что во 2-ой части вы решили сделать вид сверху - это шаг назад, примитивизация, теряется атмосфера и эффект присутствия. Мечта - вид от первого лица, я понимаю, что это невозможно, но сохраните хотя бы, как было в 1-ой части.. Надеюсь, вы передумаете и спасибо за первую часть - в нее вы вложили душу и огромный труд!
Maxwell (Saturday, 18 April 2020 19:05)
will we be able to move an animal to another barn? what do you think of horses as a transport option? do animals die if they are not fed? will the game be casual, hardcore or will we be able to customize options to make the gameplay the way we want (food spoils or not, if tools and buildings have durability, strength of enemies)?
Ronny Alves (Friday, 24 April 2020 06:25)
I have a doubt, the force of nature 2 will be released separately from the force of nature, like, will I have to buy 2 too? Or is it just an update? Because I really like the game and I'm really looking forward to the update.
Mel (Friday, 24 April 2020 09:14)
It is a new separate game that has been improved. You'll have to buy it separately
I keep checking on here to see if there are any updates, I'm so excited
sic (Friday, 24 April 2020 11:02)
Hi Artem, I would love to see you add more detail to the actual force of nature artifact collection quest line. It would be more exciting if when you have gathered all the force of nature to combine them that they could actually do something that has to do with nature, such as possibly making plants grow faster etc. I'm sure you can think of many other creative ways in which the force of Nature could be something that is actually usable and something that builds excitement and expectation along the quest line to give you hints of what it might be able to do when you finish it
Frikkie (Friday, 24 April 2020)
Hi, first of... BRILLIANT GAME, just finished it.
I would however suggest fleshing out a actual story line or even maybe a little backstory or little video before the game starts.
Also, would be so cool if each piece of the artifact could be slotted into a shrine at your home base giving an area bonus or something to your area dependent on what that specific piece is called.
Cant wait for the next one :)
na (Saturday, 25 April 2020 21:31)
I will miss the pig, they are so cute. Maybe they can be in the game to provide truffles for some kind of crafting/potion/food?
I do not see the rooster pictured, I am guessing he is being replaced by the goose for feathers. I love hearing the roosters in the game, I will miss them as well.
Same for the goat. They are cute and I enjoy being able to have them for pets even if I prefer the cow for milk purposes.
Wojtek (Friday, 04 September 2020 18:28)
It's a pity I like pigs :) You could use pigs to produce super manure for crops, etc. instead meat.